Saturday, May 12, 2007

Habitat Song

This little ditty has been floating around for a while in me head, and though it has previously seen the light of day, thanks to this blog it has also now seen the light in the recording booth - or at least the moth battered light outside of my living room window.

I wrote this at the request of my good friend Nettie who, once upon a time, was working for LandPaths, a local land-stewardship organization. She built up and lead their IOOBY (In Our Own Backyard) program which took school kids out into our local open spaces, and taught them all about the wonderful animals and plants to be found and cared for in order to make this planet that we rent a little bit nicer. Nettie has since run away to join the circus, and to this day has not actually heard this song.

Hopefully this blog will reach all the way to Mendocino county and get her listening....


I gotta little house a ways up the street
Where I cook up my food Where I kick up my feet
Keeps me dry Keeps me warm
Just the kinda home Where I belong

Gotta a garden Where I grow food to eat
Gotta store on the block For other stuff I need
Keeps me warm And well supplied
Just the kinda home That’s perfectly mine

Your home is a habitat
that's where you dwell
So many
From what I can tell

If there’s food for you belly And you never thirst
And your safe from yer foes Or if the weather gets worse
You are staying safe out of the storm
It’s the kinda home where You belong

You might like it in the water or like it in a tree
You might like it in between And that’s a lot like me
perhaps you build it or found it formed
It could be exactly your Kinda home

Your home is a habitat
Your living space
Depending on your needs
It could be

Your habitat contains
the range you roam
that’s as far as you travel
to and from your home

Could be as
big as you can see
Or as far as you can fly
or as
simple as a crawl
from where your born
to where you die

Music and Lyrics Copyright 2009 Mark Allen Johnson

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