Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Siamese Twins song post!!

Okay, this isn't actually a song about siamese twins, but rather two songs dealing with the same subject and posted within the same video.

Firstly: a completed version of the "Uke Song".

Secondly: another song dealing with Ukes (and supplemental items).

Recorded these late last night before the witching hour cast me forward in time, turning me into a nasty, bitter 39 year old.

See how carefree I appear in the video? How bright my future seems?

Surprisingly enuf, I woke up this morning feeling, acting and looking exactly the same, 'cept for the wardrobe. And I probably lost some more hair overnight, as well (but not so's you'd notice).

Heading out today for a beautiful birthday hike and a movie withe family and friends, followed by wine and cake afterwards.

Happy Holidays to all!

1 comment:

Rik Tod Johnson said...

The twelfth time is the charm. That's how many times I have now watched this before I decided to comment.

So cool...