Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Employees Area Only!

As work does a number on me, I think of a number for it. Inspired today by my multiple listenings of a new-to-me Grant Hart album "Good News for Modern Man".

I adjusted the vocal levels since the original posting of this song, and methinks it sounds a little better balanced.

Hope you enjoy!


This area is for employees only -
would you please read the sign?
This area is for employees only -
would you be so kind and do mind…

- that we need an off limits area?
Some restrictions always apply -
in an area for employees only.
Please turn around or step aside.

It’d thrill me a bit
To hear you admit
“Holy moley! (Holey Moley)
Why should I tres-past
A sign held fast
in an employees area only?”

Using the best machines to complete your work,
And our prices our lower than most.
I don’t want to sound like a knee-jerk jerk
But would you please respect your host?

located at the top of the space you walk
(not too low and not too high)
Is a “this is a designated employees only area” sign

And it just makes sense
why we have this fence
For the ones (like me) employed:
We can get your work done
Faster if we run
In a space where we can you avoid
Oh yeah!

It’d thrill me a bit
To hear you admit
“Holy moley! (Holey Moley)
Why should I tres-past
A sign held fast
in an employees area only?”

In a split
I’d get titallated
And cry “Macaroni” (Macaroni)
A feather in my cap
if you saw the map
saying “employees area only”

this area is for employees only
would you read the sign?
this area is for employees only
would you be so kind and do mind

- Mark Otis

Music and Lyrics Copyright 2009 Mark Allen Johnson