Saturday, April 7, 2007

Well, this is a long time in coming....

After my last (and first) post of September '06, I caught myself up in the whirlwind of animated movie design/direction/composition.

My brother politely asked me to help create a writer's block-breaking 3 act, 7 minute animated opera as a surprise b-day gift to a friend.

For those unaware souls (majority of the planet, I assume), the libretto and genuine-article rough draft is available on my brother Rik's blog. He twisted my arm (threats of the silent treatment do tend to work on me) and I relented to his demands. He's hosting it for now, as we work on finishing the third act (already written, sans a few changes), and I smooth out the animation. We are also looking to recruit friends to actually sing the vocals, replacing the digital voices from Melody Assistant, which were used to get the vocals sung in the initial pinch.

There was a deadline after all...

The link:

I have recorded a few of my songs as of late, and am looking for a fast way to get these playable from my blog. I am signing up for a free account, but have yet to receive my confirmation email. This same crap happened when I applied for a myspace account, which is why myspace is forever on my idiotic-free-web-services list. Forever.

Don't confirmation emails get sent out rather immediately these days?

Well, I should have it figured by this eve, in time to post something before Monday, when the work weekling starts..

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